
Being a parent is hard. There is no doubt about it. I’m writing this blog because I am really frustrated listening to stories about one parent who doesn’t want the other parent to be there for their child because things didn’t work out.

If a parent wants to be there for that child let them. Stop being stubborn. Stop being selfish. You are only hurting that child. Do you know how it feels for a child to grow up with a mom or dad? It sucks. I would know because it’s my story.

The only way I can see you keeping a child away from their mom or dad is if that parent has a problem with drugs, mental illness, or is abusive in any form. If that parent is a good parent, let them see their baby.

I also have an issue with parents who stop fighting for their child. Why bring forth a child if you are not going to fight for them, their rights and yours? Once again personal on my part. Both my parents abandoned me. It’s the story I was told. One was abusive and one was a drug addict. It’s all circumstantial evidence to me and I’m 28. Point simply was…you were my parents. You failed me. You abandoned me. You let the government take me away.

I am stronger today…Yes. However do you know about the family that I lived with? Do you know the things that happened to me? The abuse I endured? If you got your life together and started over…why didn’t you come back for me? You had another child after me and you kept in touch with all my other siblings. Why not me?

Truth be told the family that I was living with threatened my mom about contacting me. My parents never signed over their parental rights. They could have gotten me whenever they wanted but they stopped fighting for me.

I’m a single mom with an eight year old. Since he’s been born I’ve dated three guys. The last guy happens to be my fiance. I’ve never let anyone into his life of the male figure. His father gave up on him when he realized that he would have to fight my guardians just to see him. He walked away. Every promise made broken because the battle got to hard for him.

Sadly, I wasn’t even fighting him. I wanted him to see his son…get to know him. No one knew more than me how much having the support of two parents meant. It’s been eight years. He had two more children. Before I moved, I saw him all the time. He’s still very much attracted to me. He wants a relationship with me but he’s never once asked about his son. Just like he never asked, I never brought him up. I’d rather be a single parent then push a child to someone who doesn’t want him.

It sucks. Being in a position where you have to make the best choice for your child. I understand that. However, if at any point he wanted to have a relationship with his son I would have granted him the opportunity with supervised visits. I guess I’m a little more understanding.

Listening to someone say I’ve tried but I’m being ignored…my calls and texts go unanswered so I’m going to give up. I’m going to stop because I get mad when I’m ignored. Hearing that sucks because you are the parent that is actively trying. My advice is don’t give up. Keep trying. If you love that child enough keep trying. No matter how much walls you run into. Write letters, save every attempt to contact them, and document everything because if you really want to know your child then you’ll know that this is going to be a long battle. There is no finish line or no victory.

Your child deserves to know you. If you have to go to court just to get five minutes with your child then so be it. At least you are trying. Your child may not understand what you’re doing now but trust me, when they get older they will see that you fought your very best for them. They will see through whatever lies the other parent is saying.

It’s not going to magically fix itself overnight but isn’t your child worth the fight? Every rejection, court date, tears, etc…It’s worth it because at the end of the day your child will know that someone was fighting for them because they are worth something.

Hikari Aie

Social Butterfly

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. Let’s be honest. It’s been almost two years, who am I fooling? In two years a lot has changed. I’m married. I still have one child. He’s ten now and is hurdling into the sixth grade. My husband works for the government and I’m currently on summer vacation from work. I happen to be a teacher/paraprofessional/substitute. I wear many hats at my school…or I use to until summer vacation. I also use to think that I was a social butterfly but I quickly learned that I was not.


A social butterfly is a slang term for a person who is socially dynamic, networking, charismatic, and personally gregarious.  This is the person that I was. I grew up being a social butterfly among friends and family. However, when I was alone and by myself, I turned into the most quiet and depressed person. As the years went by, I continued to be outgoing and social in the public eye. Now I’m sitting here lost because I am alone.

I have nothing to do during the summer. You can only clean and cook but so much. My son is off at camp and my husband is at work. I remember growing up that I worked two or three jobs. I use to think it was because I needed money to survive but as I sit here I realize its not. I worked so much and kept myself so busy because I didn’t know how to be alone.

I don’t think I love myself as much as I put off. My husband sees this and he tells me he loves me regardless. He wants me to not stress and take on an over bearing workload. He’s there for a reason and I suppose that’s true. He wants me to find myself and fall in love with the person he fell in love with. Easier said than done. I have no idea where to begin. Back home I had tons of friends and beaches. I had so many different outlets and in the states I zilch.

Do you guys know that I have never went to the movies by myself or taken a walk or even gone to the mall for fun? If it wasn’t with someone else then it didn’t happen. I guess I still have a lot to learn about myself. I do know that sometimes being me is lonely. I guess this is the summer that I try and find out who I am. I have more than enough time.

Wish me luck…




Show me

Confessions of A Broken Girl

Diary Entry #5

August 5, 2017

12:17 am

I love you…

“I can’t love a liar…”

I love you…

“I can’t love someone I can’t trust. “

I love you…

“Hang up…”

I love you…

“Hang up”

I love you…

“Leave then”

I’d take a physical scar over an emotional one any day. I keep replaying moments and every time the words cut me deeper and deeper. It makes me physically sick and I don’t think you can see how deep of a wound is there.

I’m screaming at you to love me and you won’t. You won’t say what I need to hear the way I need to hear it. I’m hurting. I’m grieving. I’m lost.

Show me you love me.


I’m begging. I’m pleading. Take the pain away because I’m drowning in it. I need you to need me the way I need you. I need you to see me. See that my worse fears came true. My fear of being not wanted….not being loved.

I need you to love me.

Tell me…

I love you

Mean it.

Show it.

I’m drowning with out it.

Hikari Aie

I’m sorry

Confessions of a Broken Girl

Diary Entry #4

August 4th 2017

3:00 pm

Why can’t you tell me I’m sorry?

Is it that hard to say I’m sorry?

You say, “I understand.”

You say, “Ok.”

You say, “I see.”

You’ve twisted my words until I don’t recognize them.

But do you really realize that all I want is an apology?

Am I not deserving of your forgiveness?

I’ve apologized.

I’ve cried until I have nothing left.

Then I apologize again and again.

But yet no apology passes your lips.

Here I am…

Sitting broken…

Waiting for an apology that seems like I’m not worthy of.

His Promise 

You’ve been so good to me….

I constantly think of ways to repay the mountain of love that you shower me with. We’re about to embark on a journey that not many go on. 

Those who’ve gone before us either make it all the way or things happen and they unfortunately can’t. I want to be right here with you for every day of the rest of my life. 

In between now and the end of forever, I promise to kiss your forehead in the morning and jump start the day. 

I promise that after a long day I’ll massage your feet and listen to you talk about Tina in accounting. 

I promise to keep the kitchen clean before and after you cook for the family and even just for yourself. 

I promise to defend you when you’re right and correct you when you’re wrong. I will never let you go into the world and make a fool of yourself. 

I promise to never let a birthday or anniversary pass without you knowing how much that I love you. 

I promise to raise our boys to be respectful to women and teach our girls to act in such a way that men will respect them. 

I promise to get us a dog that we’ll fall in love with. You can name him or her whatever you want. 

I promise to get old with you in the rocking chairs on our porch.

I promise to never let the fire that is between us go out. 

I promise to have date nights where we can get away and rebuild and strengthen our love.

I promise most of all, to always love you no matter what. I love you.

©Silenc340 for Hikari Aie

Big Picture

Each day we add another stroke to the page

This page called Life

Building a picture that reflects who we are

Each stroke, different from the last

No erasers needed

Just life lessons learned

As we are aspiring artists painting

Our Big Picture

© Hikari Aie


It’s hard to focus on planning a wedding when I’m wondering if I’m going to make it to even see myself walk down the aisle. What started as a simple doctor’s appointment to find out about a chest cold ended up in me finding out that I have a heart problem.

What’s worse is that they cannot tell me what’s wrong. I’ve had two EKG’s done and a chest x-ray. They cannot tell me anything except that something is wrong. It scared me that the nurses openly talked about my results like I was not in the same room with them.  Things said like…

“Is this right?”

“I’ll run it again.”

“I’ve done this test three times…Am I doing something wrong?”

“No, You’re doing it correct. Something is wrong with her heart.”

After that I have to deal with questions that makes me wonder if the warning signs were always there.

“Do you have shortness of breath?”

“Do you have chest pains or heart palpitations?”

“Do you suffer from fatigue?”

“How long have you suffered from this?”

“Do you have a living will?”

The questions kept coming and coming. After a while I checked out. I mean can you blame me? So I’m sitting here thinking and wondering what happens after the next test? Do I panic when I get chest pains? What happens if I get dizzy in the middle of teaching my class again? Do I freak out when I blow my nose and its only blood?

There are a lot of what ifs and not enough answers. I’d like to think that there is nothing wrong with my heart. I just have a really big one. The one where I’m always there to help my friends. The kind of heart that never stops loving. One that loves to cook and feed the world.

If anything my heart is bursting with love that I haven’t been able to share yet….lives I haven’t been able to touch.

© Hikari Aie


I took a wrong turn
In thing called life
I don’t know what happened
Maybe I went left
Instead of right
Maybe I went up
Instead of down
I am such a small word
With a huge meaning
I am…

©Hikari Aie



As always I’m going to start off by saying I’m sorry I fell off the wagon. I haven’t been a faithful blogger. I probably don’t have any readers left but if you are still around then thank you for staying.

I must admit that blogging feels so weird. When I started blogging I was so lost and confused. I was angry and dark. I was not in a good place at all. Now, I don’t know what I am. I’m just here existing.

I still live in the states. I’ve adapted well I suppose. I have two jobs and no time for a social life unless I find time. I don’t know why I’m writing again. I think I’m trying to find the old me. I’m trying to find healthy habits and ways to just deal with everything.


If you are still with me. I’d love to share my journey and thoughts with you over the next couple days, months, years, etc. I’ll tell you what’s been going on and possibly what my future holds.

Am I still obsessing over my break up with my ex? 
Not at all. I do have some things to say though.

Am I still going to marry my best friend?
Yes. He won’t let me run away.

Am I ever going to show you how I really look?

Stick around and we’ll see what happens.

Hikari Aie